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Photo Gallery: Around the Church Photo Gallery: Around the Church

Around the Church
CCCD Board Meeting on 9/17/05
Viewed 3005 times
Youth Sandwich Sale on 9/18/05
Viewed 2781 times
Collecting donations for sanwiches
Viewed 2606 times
The Smallwood-Butts Family - 9/18/05
Viewed 2617 times
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley celebrate 48th Anniversary
Viewed 2585 times
Miss Tiffany Hundley
Viewed 2562 times
Tyisha Hundley
Viewed 2575 times
Studied in Egypt this summer
Viewed 2529 times
Betty Peyton, Dave & Edie Lawrence create bulletin board for Sunday School
Viewed 2620 times
Mrs. Marjorie Mitchell & daughter visit
Viewed 2520 times
Arlvah Wontan, age 10, and baby sister, Yayelah Wantan, age 9 mos.
Grandchildren of Ronald & Kathryn Jasper
Viewed 2705 times
Betty Rivers holds baby Rebecca
Viewed 2572 times
Katelin Christine Butts, born 5/22/2005
Newest grandchild of Marineeta Smallwood
Viewed 2485 times
Alter Call
Viewed 2547 times
Christening, Easter 2005
The Baker family - Jerry, Catherine and Baby Mia
Viewed 2515 times
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