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Troop 194- Scouting News! Troop 194- Scouting News!


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Troop 194- Scouting News!

Posted by: Deborah on Fri, Nov 12, 2004

Scouting is Alive and well at Camphor Church.

Scouting is alive and well at Camphor Church!

Open house and new recruiting was held on September 18, and 25, 2004. Our goal was to recruit five new scouts and we accepted nine new boys in to our unit.

Over the summer we experienced one week of ourdoor camping at Musser Reservation, Greenlane, PA. We also had one weekend at Camp Horseshoe, in Rising Sun, MD.

Fall Camporee weekend was held at Ridley Creek State Park in Media, PA.

Coming Events

November 13 & 29, 2004.

Scouting for Food -  Bags for canned goods will be hung on the doors in the neighbor hood of Camphor Church on November 13 and will be picked up the following weekend on November20. Canned goods will be turned in and counted at the 55th& Pine St police station. These goods are destined to join other goods collected for the Channel 6 Food Drive.


Entire unit and parents will visit Christmas Villiage, Shartelesville, PA.

Spring Camporee - April 2005

Will be held this year at Fairmount Park

National Jamboree - Fort A P Hill, Virginia July 25, - August 3, 2004

Two representatives from our unit will be attending. This is an exciting event as scouts from all over the world attend.

*Special Note*

When a scout approaches you for a donation ask for ID, the scout must also be in complete uniform.

Our unit leaders are fully volunteers and need as much of your support we can get to keep our unit on the 100% active listing for each calendear year.

Many thanks to Camphor Church for being our sponsoring institution for over 50 years!

 Scoutmaster - Clifton Officer

Cubmaster -  Mrs.Margaret Lambert




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